Let us consider helping you with your future!
Aviston American Legion Auxiliary is proud to offer:
Scholarship program for 2024-2025
$1,000 – For Veterans, Auxiliary, SAL or family members of Post 1239*
$1,000 – An individual within the 62216-zip code area*
Look for details and an application on our website:
Pick up an application at the Avison American Legion during open hours
You may apply for both scholarships if applicable.
Deadline: April 1, 2025
The purpose of the Aviston American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship’s is to honor individuals who have made a significant impact in the community.
The Aviston American Legion Post Auxiliary (the “AALA”) may provide a $1,000 Scholarship if funds permit, and the AALA intends to offer our Scholarship with the 2024-2025 School Year.
The Scholarship is to be used for post-secondary education, including but not limited to universities, colleges, vocational and technical schooling (the “academic institution”).
Applicants for this award shall be Veterans, Auxiliary or Sons of American Legion members or their spouses, children/stepchildren, grandchildren/stepchildren or great-grandchildren/step-great-grandchildren of an Aviston American Legion member. Any applicant, who is a Veteran, Auxiliary member or Sons of the American Legion member, must also be in good standing with the Aviston Illinois American Legion Family.
62216 Zip Code:
An individual living within the zip code 62216. It is the auxiliary’s wish to support the community which has supported the legion through, helping various projects and supporting us through attendance.
Auxiliary Scholarship Opportunities
2024 Awards Winners !!!!!

Left to right: Peggy Timmerman, Scholarship Committee, Cole Buschmann, Cecelia Richter, Candace Schomaker, Mary Peek, Scholarship Committee
The Aviston American Legion Auxiliary is proud to announce that we have four winners for our Scholarship Program 2024. All of our applicants were outstanding. Congratulations to these applicants. We wish each of our winners and all of our applicants, all the best in their future endeavors. Our winners are:
1st Place $1,000 Veteran Scholarship Candace Schomaker
1st Place $1,000 Community Scholarship Cole Buschmann
2nd Place $500 Veteran Scholarship Taylor Hettenhausen
2nd Place $500 Community Scholarship Cecelia Richter